About Me

Me At Work

I’m a small-town newspaper reporter and editor who jumped into corporate communications for a year before segueing into marketing. The core of all my work has been words and crafting them according to the end goal. But, I do enjoy being behind a camera, even though it’s been a minute since I consistently shot photos. Numbers and I are in a growing relationship as I’ve begun diving into data analysis and using those numbers to drive goals and results. Not bad for someone who hated math in school. 

I’m a HubSpot-stan but would love to learn Salesforce, along with the paid side of social media and digital ads. Google Analytics 4 and I are beginning to get along, more so when I remember where to find the monthly reporting dashboard. Canva makes me joke that I’m coming for a classically trained graphic designer friend’s job, but years of working with InDesign and Photoshop come back quickly whenever I use them. 

Me Out Of Work

Well, you’ve already met my bestest boi, Tigger aka Tigs. He’s a farm cat turned recliner prince who loves a good belly rub. 

Everyone has a list of comfort shows and thanks to streaming, mine (mostly) aired before I really remember watching TV.

  • The Golden Girls
  • Murder, She Wrote
  • Frasier
  • King of the Hill

My money pit hobbies in recent years have been rebuilding a yarn stash, a 2-book minimum at local bookshops, and taking on renovation projects at the 110-year-old farmhouse I grew up in. 

Each year I pay for the MLB At-Bat app so I can spend hours knitting, crocheting, mowing, or working to the dulcet tones of Dan Dickerson with the Detroit Tigers on WXYT-FM and/or John Rooney with the St. Louis Cardinals on KMOX. It’s always well worth the now $30. 

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